GEMCO have recently completed an Authorised Test Facility at Egertons Fleet Services Ltd, equipment fitted at the brand new building includes: GEMCO Commercial Pit Sherpa BPS Twin - 18 Tonne ATF Commercial Brake Tester Sherpa Tablet kit Sherpa Class 4 & 7 Hydraulic Play Detector ATL Sherpa AST20 20 Tonne ATF Pit Play Detector [...]

Commercial ATF Lane Installation Complete at Munford Haulage
gemco 2017-10-26T15:36:50+00:00GEMCO have recently fitted an ATF lane and Sherpa BPS Twin 18T Commercial Brake Tester at Munford Haulage. Click here for further information on GEMCO's range of Sherpa Commercial Brake Testers, or contact GEMCO today on 01604 828 600.

Volvo ATF Felixstowe Installation Complete
gemco 2016-11-14T11:11:41+00:00GEMCO have recently been commissioned to design, supply and install a new DVSA ATF Lane at Volvo Truck and Bus Centre Felixstowe, Suffolk. The work was only a small part of a larger scheme of work at the dealer point; which has doubled in capacity since the work has been completed. This included the supply [...]